Stranger Danger, Crossing the Street and Pool Safety are just a few of the things we as parents are concerned about when raising our children. However, the sad truth is, more children die every year from injuries sustained in a car accident than from any other cause.
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) recently published a study analyzing the statistics surrounding children and car accidents. Some of the data you might expect: For instance, children are around ten times more likely to suffer incapacitating injuries in a rollover crash as in any other kind of accident. However, other findings were more surprising.
According to the National Highway Safety Administration head injuries were the most common type of injury suffered by children in car accidents, closely followed by damage to the chest and lungs. Children over the age of one were more likely to have cuts, bruises, and fractures of the head, while children under the age of one usually sustained concussions. These types of injuries have particularly serious impacts on children because of their skeletal development and can cause effects ranging from reading disabilities and developmental delay to paralysis and psychological disorders.
After any collision it is vitally important to have your child checked out by a physician within the first 14 days, otherwise you may not receive the total $10,000 in PIP benefits that you pay for.